b grade score a strong win!!

28 Jun 2016 by Hay Lions Football and Netball Club

B Grade: Hay 53 defeated Macorna 19
The Hay Lions B Grade team were keen to face Macorna on Saturday after losing to them by only three goals in Round 1. The Lions were off to a steady start and worked well down the court to gain a 4 goal lead in the first quarter. The girls continued their great team work throughout the second and third quarter giving them a slightly larger lead over Macorna as the game went on. By the end of the game the Lions were well and truly settled into the game and were able to score a number of goals off Macorna’s centre’s which eventually gave them a strong win over Macorna 53-19.
Best on court- Jasmine Gregory
Players player- Jade Auldist
Coaches award – Sammy Rosewarne