On behalf of the Hay Lions Football & Netball Club, I would like to Invite you to attend/participate in the Hay Lions Indigenous round during our NAIDOC week on Saturday the 11th of July.
Mawambul Co-Management Group, in partnership with Hay Local Aboriginal Land Council, Nari Nari Tribal Council and Hay Area National Parks and Wildlife will host a community event on Saturday 11th July in the Hay Park.
As part of the NAIDOC celebrations, Hay Lions Football Netball club will play an Indigenous round of AFL on the number 2 oval and Netball on the Netball courts. Senior Football players will appear in limited edition Aboriginal designed jerseys, kicking off at 2.30pm.Local community Elder Floss Fitzpatrick will perform the coin toss. All Netballers will also appear in Aboriginal designed Netball bibs, first game starting at 10.15am.
The BBQ area will come alive with free craft activities, bush tucker food tastings, jumping castle, sumo suits and face painting, as well as community stalls.
Paddy Possum will make an appearance, with giveaways for children. The celebrations run from 1pm to 4pm.
From 7.30pm the celebrations continue at the Lions Clubrooms, with performances by the talented musician and singer Dane Kennedy, and comedian Dane Simpson. This concert is free, as part of the communities celebrations of NAIDOC, and everyone is invited.
Once night falls Anthony Slattery will provide an exciting fireworks display.
We look forward to seeing you there.